Friday 2 February 2007

Friday 2nd February

My dad has been sent to hospital.

Mum called the GP out this morning as she wasn't at all happy with his condition (he isn't eating, feeling very poorly). GP said she would arrange an ambulance to take him into emergency admissions to start to try to find out what is causing the problem. She said his stomach was more swollen than yesterday when she saw him.

I'm just waiting to hear from mum that he's been admitted and what will happen next. I guess the whole admissions process could take hours and then who knows when the tests will start. I am glad he's in there - we need to know what the problem is, sooner the better as far as I am concerned.

Update: They think my dad has some kind of blockage in his bowel.... he was going for an x-ray and they may need to operate quite quickly. I'm waiting for my mum or sister to update me - I've stayed here for now... if they decide to operate I'll go over and stay with my mum. On tenterhooks waiting for the phone to ring.

Update: My dad's had his x-ray and is waiting for it to be reviewed... don't know when that will be, or when he'll see a doctor.

Next update tomorrow morning. Thank you all for your good wishes, prayers and concern. Goodnight........

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