Friday 23 February 2007

Friday 23rd February

Well the hospital have advised that there will be no news/results over the next few days so I am going to go home for the weekend. That is my plan!

Nothing else happening really - I have some "stuff" to sort out at home relating to my upcoming redundancy (pension, return of equipment etc).

I think we will also need to cancel our trip to South Africa (due to go on 17 March) so I need to look into that. We have Travel Insurance so I don't think we will lose our money (not that it would make much difference).

Dad said to me the other day "I hope you haven't cancelled your holiday". I said "No, I haven't". Which as things stand is still true. I can't risk being the other side of the world if something happened to him. Whoops I am off on a doom and gloom thing again... I had better log off.

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