Sunday 25 February 2007

Sunday 25th February

No news on my dad - except that he looks awful and is dropping weight rapidly.

Roy and I went over to see him today. He goes mad when we do that, but we'd tied it into a (pretty disastrous) run over to Chester as well.

They are saying that an abcess in his stomach, but we don't know if that is instead of or as well as something nastier. I am requesting a meeting with his Consultant tomorrow. Dad, bless him, was very pleased at the prospect of having an abcess! In fact, he was saying to my sister that it was a good thing, and he'd never had one before, so a new experience for him.

I got The Departed on Friday. Was hoping to watch this weekend but we haven't got round to it yet! I had a wonderful veggie balti last night. Tonight I'm making pancakes (as Roy missed out last Tuesday cos I was away!).

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