Tuesday 6 February 2007

Tuesday 6th February

We had a bit of a palaver when we got back from the hospital yesterday afternoon! All mum's sockets had stopped working. So - no shower, no boiler, no tv, no 'puter. Nothing! Lights and oven worked, but that was all. Luckily we found a guy in the phone book who lived less than 2 miles away and he agreed to come out (he was just sitting down to eat!). He sorted it in about 20 minutes.. apparently a fault with the kettle had blown all the other sockets. So today we're off to buy a new kettle.

This morning I am going to help clear out my mum's kitchen cupboards as she has way too much stuff and wants to declutter. I've told her not to let me take any home, as I am trying to declutter too.

Dad goes for his CT scan at 3, visiting is 3-4.30, so I think I will just pop in at 4 to see if he's back, and if he's had any results. They sometimes send the results back up with the patient, or sometimes they have to wait for the radiologist to put them on the computer.

My dad was very impressed to hear that he has good wishes coming from all corners of the world! I told him "Jackie from Bermuda is very ticked off at your GP for keeping you on the laxatives for so long" and he was laughing.

I bought a blood pressure monitor in the chemists for £10... they're on special offer. So we have been playing with it. My mum's BP is up (she knows it can go high), mine was normal and my nephew's was weird! I think I must have had the cuff on him wrong as the reading was 125/36! At least I hope I had the cuff on wrong. He won't let me retest him as I hurt his arm last time by having the cuff too tight! He's heading back to college now (he calls in to see my mum during his lunch break).

Update: No results for dad yet, he's been for his scan but it is unclear when the results will come back. I guess we'll find more out tomorrow.

I have a stinking cold (I hope I don't pass it on to anyone in the hospital.)

My mum thinks I spend a lot of time on the computer.... and this is me REALLY cutting down cos of being at hers and not at home.

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