Saturday 24 February 2007

Saturday 24th February

I've lost 14lbs since the start of this year. Partly my own effort (gym and diet) in January, partly the "worry yourself sick" diet that I started on 5th Feb when I went over to stay with my mum.

So I am trying to eat sensibly now and keep the pounds coming off. Tonight we're going for Indian food with Roy's brother and SIL2B, but I may choose the veggie options as they are yummy in the place we go to. Curries chock full of chickpeas and lovely veg.

My SIL2B's father is also ill - strangely, with the same thing as my dad. I haven't spoken to her in detail since all this happened so we can have a good chat later.

I am just catching up on some online banking etc. Then I'll get ready and go out to see Roy's parents and get some fresh air. Might go for a swim later on at the gym.

My dad got really upset in the hospital yesterday - he was telling me that I must go home and spend time with my husband! I said to him that he is not to worry about us, and I am glad to have the free time to spend with him and mum at the moment. It choked me up but I kept a brave face on.....

My god-daughter is also very poorly and in hospital (she was very prem and has severe asthma, this time it has taken them a full week to get her breathing anywhere near back to normal and they were considering quite radical treatment at one stage). I can't get to see her, though - as they're on the Isle of Man. Poor thing - she's only 13 and has had such a hard time, healthwise.

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