Thursday 15 February 2007

Thursday 15th February

I have another day of decluttering to do and then I'm driving home to pick Roy up this afternoon. He's coming over here to decorate mum and dad's flat after the new carpets are laid.

Then if I get back in time I'll visit my dad in hospital tonight.So I may not check in later!

Email to Carol:After gearing ourselves up for Tuesday, they still haven't been able to clinically confirm their diagnosis on my dad's condition. :-(. The last test that can do this is to take biopsies and I think they will do that next. He should find out today if that is the case. He's doing ok in himself... but clearly worried about the results etc. We aren't having explicit conversations with him about it, but nor are we giving him any false hopes. I don't know how much longer this will all take.

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