Tuesday 27 February 2007

Tuesday 27th February

No news. I am seeing the Consultant looking after my dad at 12 noon today.

Didn't get any news really. The doctor can't tell us what is wrong with dad, as there are two possibilities (one very bad) and the test results so far don't prove either. Next step is a biopsy which will be done on Friday. Another week of waiting ahead.

We're ok though. I am just not in a chatty mood (having had to explain my discussion with the doctor about 10 times already today).

Comment added in May:
Dad changed a lot physically in hospital. He actually looks a lot younger, having dropped weight, and despite being an awful grey colour some days, his eyes are beautiful - big and blue and bright. He also has what I call a "serene smile" on his face some times. And I see him looking at mum during visiting, with such a loving face, that it makes me want to cry.

Also, every now and then I catch his eye (if there are a few people round the bed) and I get a jolt of "ok we both know something is going on - tell me what it is" from him. Can't describe it better really, but it's like he's asking me for information with his eyes. I won't give any until the Doctors confirm anything.

When we walk into visiting, as soon as he spots us, he does this big smile. Sometimes, to me, it seems forced. Other times we walk in and he doesn't see us... on these occasions he is just sitting, staring down. Is Dad putting on a brave face?

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