Wednesday 28 February 2007

Wednesday 28th February

I am about to defrost my mum's freezer. A job I hate second only to ironing. Then we're going shopping and to the hospital for visiting at 3pm.

The new shower door arrived yesterday - it gets fitted tomorrow morning. So I took a shower at my sister's house this morning, after dropping my niece off at school.I am slightly concerned as the shower door box looks totally different in size to the door it is replacing! I dare not open the box up... I think I will leave it to the guy who's fixing it tomorrow.

I defrosted the freezer with my mum's steam cleaner... it takes about an hour but at least it's all done rather than having to leave the freezer to defrost itself all day! Found all sorts of unidentified items wrapped in foil.... pig's kidney, anyone? (vomit icon here). Also found about 3 tonnes of smoked salmon lurking in there. At least it's all nice and organised now. After a week of my mum back in charge of the freezer it will be chaos in there again. If a freezer can be chaotic! (Guess which of us is NOT the virgo - yup, my mum!).

My dad is doing ok. He walked a little bit today (which is progress as he's been bed/wheelchair-bound for a couple of weeks). He is so patient... I'd be climbing the walls by now! I will try to do an email update later if I get the chance, to let you all know a bit more about what the doc told me yesterday.

Oh, my sis got good news today. She's been "acting up" to the next grade for a while now, and today it was made permanent. Not a huge pay hike, but finally an acknowledgement of her efforts. She's been with the company for 25 years and in my opinion should have been formally promoted a long time ago. I'm really pleased for her.

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