Thursday 8 February 2007

Thursday 8th February

Just waiting for Dad's nurse to call to tell us what time our appointment with the docs is. I am hoping it will be early as it's snowing here, too, and I don't want it to get too bad. It started snowing here but has stopped now and the stuff on the ground is melting. Thank goodness... at least the roads will be fine for driving to the hospital (if they ever ring us with an appointment time!!!).

This sitting and waiting bit is dreadful! Our snow melted very early today (about an hour or so after falling). We still have no concrete news from the doctors... they have ordered more tests. They seem quite puzzled as to what is causing the problem.

On the downside my dad has now got a chest infection and is feeling really poorly today (last few days he's been "ok" - chatty and stuff). Today he looked awful but while we were there they put him on IV antibiotics and also took him down for a chest x-ray. So we're still in the dark.

Email to friends on Prevention: We're still in the dark really - he's been seen by a gastric doctor who wants to have more blood tests and x-rays done before drawing any conclusions. Looks like we won't know any more until tomorrow.

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