Tuesday 20 February 2007

Tuesday 20th February

I'm back at mums now... today I'll be sorting out the bedrooms (we just shoved all sorts of things into cupboards for decorating/carpets) and if I get time, giving the kitchen cupboards a good clearing out. Maybe that one will wait till tomorrow!

Well we got the lounge all finished last night (all furniture back in place etc) and mum and I sat back and said how nice it all looked! She's doing really well in the circumstances. She is a very strong lady and I think we (my sis, brother and I) are balancing "stuff" really well between us so that my mum is not taking too much on herself.

Why am I still here? When there are bedrooms to be sorted!!!

I have spent all morning faffing about trying to find out the make of the shower cubicle (which wasn't marked anywhere on it), a supplier of said cubicles, and finally a distributor who can order a replacement door for us!! My sister's Father in Law will fit it for us (he's a builder).

I hope my dad will be home within the next week. They've started more poking around and fiddling with him though, so he's better off in hosp at the mo.

Right, I am only online to look at showers... so I need to go. Have found a shop locally where I can go and get an order placed.

Comment added in May:
Dad had his laparoscopy late afternoon and had just come back when Lorraine and I went for evening visit. He was a bit out of it when we got there and kept looking at us odd - kind of staring and questioning? As if he wasn't sure who we were. Anyway, he came round gradually and they gave him IV Paracetomol for the pain, but said he could have morphine if he needed it. After a little while, Dr De Soza (another of Tighe's Registrars) came to see us. He spoke to Dad about the laparoscopy - apparently they couldn't see anything because his stomach was full of infection. So they had a couple of options - open him up properly and wash the infection away, or just withdraw. So they chose the latter, as there were too many risks involved in the washout due to his history and condition. Dr advised that they would need to clear up the infection and that Dad would go onto IV antibiotics (again). I think he said the infection was caused by the drain they'd used to clear the ascites.

He said "As you know Sir, we're still very concerned that there is something really nasty behind all of this, but we need to take each procedure at a time". In other words, laparscopy had told them nothing, and now their primary concern was to deal with the infection.

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