Tuesday 16 January 2007

Tuesday 16th January

My mum wouldn't eat rabbit as a child (it was served quite regularly then) because they were having rabbit stew once, and her dad started to ask where the cat was, and my mum fell for it, thought they were eating the family cat, and freaked out.

Well the "interview" went well. They really liked my presentation and then we chatted about what sort of package I'm looking for and what the role would entail. It isn't as big a job as I'd thought, as the MD is looking to have more then one person heading up this area. On the one hand this is good (less pressure, stress, hours). On the other hand I need to make sure the job I am offered is sufficiently stretching for me to grow and develop and learn.

We had that discussion, and he's going to come up with a job spec and package offer for me. His words: "I hope to put a deal together that excites you as we'd like to have somebody like you on board". I'm pleased, but I also want to explore the other avenues open to me before making any final decisions.This role is quite fluid as the business is still growing and it could evolve and change... I'm fine with that, as long as I'm happy and getting good job satisfaction.

I am quite happy to spin this one out a while so I can explore some other options so the next step will be he makes an offer, I'll then explain my position. Won't be a problem.

My mum has just reminded me that I'm taking my dad to a jazz concert on Sunday 28th Jan!! I had forgotten and am busy arranging to meet with a Cyber Friend from Israel on that date.
So I will have to look at train tickets for the Friday or Monday.... will sort it all out tomorrow.

I am getting my own laptop back tomorrow *happy dance*.

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