Saturday 6 January 2007

Saturday 6th January

My husband (Roy) leaves clothes all over the house. I end up throwing them all in the wash basket and then he moans "these are all clean". Right, I'm supposed to know that t-shirts and trousers strewn around all scrunched up are clean? Grrr..

I have tried just leaving Roy's "stuff" lying around but it drives me mad looking at it. It isn't just clothes, he is untidy with everything. He'll open a draw and not close it. Get the phone book out and leave it on the kitchen counter. And don't even talk to me about glasses! We have about 8 pairs of cheap reading specs that I leave about the house for if I need to read a packet in the kitchen, etc. He always either loses them or they all end up in one place.I bought him a "pot" that is on the hall table for him to put his loose change, keys, mobile phone etc. into. He puts it on the table. Or he empties the pot out to look for something and leaves the crap all over the table.

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