Wednesday 17 January 2007

Wednesday 17th January

I have a cold. Managed to avoid one so far this winter so I guess it was inevitable.

My laptock comes home today I hope they bring it this morning and not later on in the day. Although I have a feeling that when they collected it, it was quite late in the afternoon.

I've made bread (well the breadmaker made it really). Am trying to get some use of my many kitchen appliances! But still debating whether to keep the slo-cooker or not! I made wholemeal and mixed seed rolls. They're yummy - quite small but very dense. I also made a smoothie with my blender - banana, yogurt, blueberries and honey. And then I made some hummous. Now I stink as I put loads of fresh garlic in it.

I'll get fat eating all this healthy food, LOL!

I love how the supermarkets are pricing their fruit & veg so cheaply at the moment! But I'll spend more in petrol driving around the different ones to get various items.

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