Wednesday 24 January 2007

Wednesday 24th January

I'm going to the Body Balance (yoga, pilates, tai-chi) class this morning and then for a swim. Then I'm coming home to clean my house.

Monday I made a veg/pasta bake with the fusilli. I made a veg/chickpea curry last night and tonight we're having veggie shepherd's pie (lentils and mixed veggies/tomoatoes as the base although I cheated and stirred a little beef bouillon through the mixture!).
Tomorrow we'll have the left over veggie curry and Friday I'll do a vegetable & bean rice. I am waiting to see if Roy notices that he hasn't had any meat yet this week!

Although I'm cooking for friends on Saturday and going to make beouf bourginnone so that'll make up for it.

Well the Body Balance class was good... I sweated more than in the gym... some of the moves were quite tricky for me, due to my inflexibility, fatness and general lack of balance! I'll go a few more times and see if I can improve. My favourite bit was the "relaxation" at the end . Then I went for a swim... the pool was packed! I get quite stressed out when it's like that as I like to mix up strokes and I can't do backstroke properly if the pool is full (unless I get the end lane where I can follow a beam that runs along the ceiling, LOL!). I stayed in for 25 minutes, anyway.

I don't know where all these people come from, as most of them seem too young to be retired! I said to Roy that the whole of Leeds appears to be on garden leave at the moment. He thinks they go in during work hours, but in the pool, there is a "lounging" area and jacuzzi and there were at least 15 people just sitting around in there, drinking coffee and reading the papers! They didn't look to me as if they were about to rush back to work.I've been really surprised, I had thought the gym would be empty during the week.

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