Friday 2 March 2007

Friday 2nd March

Will check in later, but I have a busy day - going out shopping with mum, picking up my dad's friends who want to visit him, and then to the hospital. Then I'll be driving home for the weekend.

Comment added in May:
George and Philly came to see Dad this day (Richie wasn't able to) and it was lovely to see him respond so well to different company. He did talk a little about the possibilities of his results, but seemed resigned to more "waiting and seeing".

He didn't sleep well at all in the hospital and point blank refused to have the Patient TV service. In fact, that became a real standing joke - Lorraine and I being determined that he watch tv, Dad being determined not to. Guess who won - that's right, Dad did, of course. :-)

He spoke sometimes about the waiting game and how he just watched the clock waiting for another test, or visit from the doctor. I think he was having to dig deeper than we realised at the time to cope with what was going on in there (mentally as well as physically).

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