Saturday 3 March 2007

Saturday 3rd March

Oooh my laptock screen and the writing looks tiny now compared to my mum's PC Monitor! My eyes are SO bad...

My garden leave was so timely! And to think I was getting bored... what's that saying: Be careful what you wish for?

After the bullying episodes, my niece was doing ok at school. Here's the ridiculous thing about it - she is now best friends with one of the "bullies" (the worst one, apparently). My sister is not at all happy. This girl is 12, from a broken home, has an eating disorder and talks constantly about boys. My niece (who has always been a really good eater... would eat anything, including her veggies) has now started to say things like "I'm just not hungry" and "I feel so bloated after eating". I'm really concerned. I've been taking her to school from Tues-Friday to help my sis out, and I am trying to have sensible conversations with her about eating and nutrition. Apparently she complained to her mum about me on Friday night "All Auntie Jan does is go on about nutrition". I told my sister to tell her that I'm an expert (!) and that I've done courses on it and I really know what I'm talking about. That may give me some credibility. Well - I did do a one day course at Leeds Uni in 1998, AND I think reading 450 diet books also counts, LOL.

I am trying to focus on health issues - not weight (my niece is a bit overweight). She is eating way too much sugar, and never used to have a very sweet tooth. Anyhoo - that is a garbled explanation of what is going on. I also think there is an attention seeking element. Emily has always been a mummy's girl and my sister is spending a lot of time running around to see my dad in hospital, or seeing my mum etc. So Emily doesn't have her at her beck and call all of a sudden. Plus, I think we need to be mindful that Emily will be feeling upset and anxious about what is happening to my dad. Difficult time...

I am trying to help out but not an expert on kids.

Well I am just popping out to give my FIL and his brother a lift home. They've been visiting somebody in a nursing home near to our house so I said I'd run them back. Will check in later or tomorrow.

My dad was very chipper yesterday - his old friends came to visit in the afternoon, and my uncle and cousins went last night. I really think a change of face bucks him up - he must get bored of seeing me, mum, sis and brother!!!

Email to Trish:
Things ok. My dad is doing ok (has now lost 2 and a half stone) and is chirpy. Mind you he's had "new" visitors the last few days - his mates from the old days, his step-dad/sister and Joan, Zodie and Wally. I think he must get fed up looking at me, Mum, Lorraine and Neil!
Results from biopsy due back Mon/Tues. The procedure itself was quick and straightforward - my dad said it was "smashing"!!!

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