Saturday 31 March 2007

Sunday 31st March

Well, we didn't go for the meal in the end. I hadn't been so organised as to book a table and so we decided to stay in on Friday and have a nice meal and bottle of wine at home. Tried to book into our favourite place for steak but I couldn't get a table for Saturday night and Roy didn't want to go there tonight. So we ended up going for a curry with my BIL and SIL2B last night. It was nice... and we'll do the "special" meal some other time. Maybe over Easter weekend...

So this morning we walked up to a local garden centre to look at Sheds (how glamourous!). Roy bought me a beautiful orchid. And now I'm going to sort out my paperwork and re-organise my desk (I threw all the work related stuff out yesterday - which felt good!).

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