Tuesday 6 March 2007

Tuesday 6th March

No news here. Hoping that some results come through today (well part of me doesn't want them to, but you know........)

My niece is off sick today (I got out of chauffeur duties this morning!). She had a bit of an asthma attack last night (her own fault for not taking meds properly - something else for me to nag her about) and so my sister has kept her off today and is working from home. I just called round for a coffee.

The nurse looking after my dad said this morning that results won't be back until late this week or early next week. I am fuming... why did they tell him today??? Anyway, I'll ask to see one of the docs in his medical team when I go in for visiting at 3 today. I want them to at least start to do something about his weakness... try giving him food supplements or something? I think psychologically, my dad needs to feel that he is moving forward in some sense.

The reason the test results are taking so long is because "they are busy". I.e. they are sitting in a backlog of other lab tests. I spoke to his nurse who says that the med team are pushing for faster results. Also that they will raise my concerns with the docs re. his eating/weakness.

He's lost 50lbs in 4 and a half weeks.

All that said, he was in good spirits today and is bearing up well. He's the most patient man I know.

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