Tuesday 27 March 2007

Tuesday 27th March

No news here. Dad is comfy and resting. Well, actually he's having a Reiki session done... by a lovely lady who is also a qualified nurse. They seem to use it a lot for cancer patients. The "free" service that he's entitled to can't be booked until next Tuesday, so we found this lady on the Reiki Practitioners website and called her yesterday. I hope it helps him in some way - he's experiencing a little bit of pain in his chest which I think is due to a persistent cough he's got.

Update: Yes, my dad did find the Reiki session helpful. He said it took the "sharp edge" off his chest pain. He had a good day yesterday (bright and chatty) but today seems weaker and is speaking very tiredly (if that makes sense). I guess this is how it will be. The Reiki lady was lovely - she gave my mum a charm for under her pillow and is going to send mum some Reiki tonight (apparently it can be done remotely!!) for her neck pain.

I like the "Reiki precepts":

Just for today do not worry
Just for today do not anger
Honour your parents, teachers and elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to every living thing.

The lady said she felt a very loved, giving and open person when she was treating him. She let us wander in and out of the room while she was doing his treatment, but we didn't stay long.

I have put my gym membership on hold for now. They will reduce our monthly fee due to my circumstances which is good cos it means that Roy can still go while I am away, but that I'm not wasting my money. I am now down 16lbs since the start of the year. Although this week I've eaten a lot of crap - it has to stop!

We seem to have a it of a routine going at home now. Up till now it's been too hectic and disjointed for me to think about eating too much! Today was so warm. I only went out once (at about 4pm). So tomorrow I might try to do a nice walk to get some air and exercise.

Email to Neets:
Thanks so much for your kind words. We're doing ok here - it's pretty tough but knowing that I'm a key part of Dad's care team has made me determined to stay strong for him and give him the best possible support to make him comfortable.

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