Friday 9 March 2007

Friday 9th March

Hi... I am ok thank you.(((hugs back to you all)))

My niece has just made me laugh out loud... she was looking on the forum earlier today and asking who you all were (I think she was amused by the avatars). So I was going through the list saying "wowsmom from California, desmum from Stevenage, tweedle from Florida" etc etc. When I logged on just then she asked "Oh, are you talking to Wobble from North Island".

Now she is hanging over my shoulder reading this so I am logging off!

Email to Bex:
Thanks Bex. I'm gutted, but I am doing ok and holding it together.. I will be glad to have dad home and get him comfy. He can even come out for a drive with me if he feels up to it. I'm trying to focus him on what he wants to do while he is still relatively well.I do appreciate your thoughts... thanks.

Email to Ann:
A Macmillan Nurse (don't know if you're familiar with them - specialist cancer carers) has been to see Dad this morning and I think they deal with both practical and emotional elements. She then called me to discuss the practical side of things.I don't think the rest of us will need counselling as such, we're a close enough family and we also each have our outlets outside the family for support. But we will keep an eye on each other just to be sure!

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