Wednesday 7 March 2007

Wednesday 7th March

We are looking after my niece this morning who is off school sick. Personally I don't think there is much wrong with her... but I'm no expert! I have to go and do some shopping soon, and then this afternoon we'll go to see dad.

I was at my sisters "babysitting" my niece for a couple of hours last night and we watched Big Momma's House 2.

Email to Trish:
No news... they told him it could be the end of the week or next week before the results are in so I've had a word with the nurses about pushing for them - nurses said the med team are chasing the results down every day. I also asked if they can do something to help stem the weight loss and build his strength up (he's now 15st and was 18 5!).
They are going to think about putting him on build up drinks and also said we can bring food in.

Actually he had already asked us about bringing food in a hot flask if he didn't fancy the proper menu. I was expecting him to be really p'd off yesterday after the news of the "delay" on results but he was pretty chipper. Oh - I think he was pleased cos they'd given him a new air mattress to help relieve his pressure sores. So for the first time in a while he wasn't sore on his backside. They also put some padding on it and it all seems to have helped.

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