Saturday 10 March 2007

Saturday 10th March

I was awake at 6! (early birds please note that 6am is the middle of the night as far as I am concerned ).

I got up at 7 having given up all hope of sleeping again. I'm taking mum shopping this morning, and then I'm headed home until Monday. I wanted to stay but my mum insists, and I do want to sort some stuff out at home.

Can you believe garden leave is nearly over? Only 2 weeks left . Then I'll be officially unemployed for the first time in 29 years. Do I care? Nope, not just at the moment!

I've cancelled my trip to South Africa (well, postponed it really - we'll go next Spring). But the fantastic news is that my dad's brother and his wife are flying over from South Africa on Monday next week. (This is after hearing the news about dad). They'll be staying "as long as it takes" apparently. I am so pleased - for my dad, obv. plus I think it will be extra support for mum.

Now, fate has a funny way of looking after you, doesn't it? We were thinking of where my uncle and aunt could stay (my sister offered to put them up but it would have meant throwing my nephew out of his room!). My parents only have a small 2-bedroomed flat and so they can't stay here. Sorry this is a long story...The flat right next door to my parent's is owned by a lady who bought it as an investment property... she has been letting it, but has had enough of dodgy tenants etc. and has just put it up for sale. It is currently vacant. My mum had got quite friendly with this lady (Marie) over the years, and has also really helped her out a few times over various things (keeping an eye on tenants, being a shoulder to cry on at times, etc).

By chance, Marie phoned Mum last night to ask after my dad. When she heard about my uncle's visit, she insisted that they stay in her vacant flat until it is sold. (It's a fully furnished flat, all I need to do is organise bedding and towels). AND to top it all, she is insisting that we do not give her any money. But mum and I do want to pay "rent" and we will sort something out. The other bonus is that it is a 2 bed flat (like mums) which means that I can stay there, too, when I'm over here. This is a massive help, as otherwise I'd have had to sleep on the sofa at my sisters. So, it's all worked out in the end.

My dad is very honoured - his brother hasn't set foot in the UK since he emigrated to South Africa 40 years ago!

Well after that long tale, I've forgotten everything else I planned to write!

Oh - forgot to say - my dad is coming home on Tuesday morning

I'm doing ok. Actually I was struggling a bit these last 2 days, but now that I'm home I've been able to get some things out of my system, if you know what I mean. I think I do hold back a bit around my family. But please don't worry about me cos I am not daft enough to bottle things in too much.

Comment added in May:
I was in a bit of a state when I got home on this Saturday. All morning I'd wanted to cry, walking round Tesco, and I couldn't wait to get home and blub. Roy was, as ever, marvellous. Although he did comment that it scares him to see me so much "not in control" of things. Because I usually am. I just felt physically sick with it today. So hopeless and unable to do anything for Dad. It was (and still is) an awful feeling, but I found over time that I got used to it... adapted I suppose.

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