Monday 12 March 2007

Monday 12th March

Have a lot to do this morning and then am headed to mums.

Will check in when I can but the next few days are going to be hectic (uncle arriving, dad coming home etc).

Ah well, I really must go. For only about the second time in my life, I'm having an appointment with a Financial Adviser. I need to sort out my pension when I leave my company on 26th March. If I don't transfer it somewhere else, I'll lose 50% of all the contributions they've paid in for me! I'll be darned if I'll let them get away with that.

Comment added in May:
How wonderful to meet Auntie Margaret and Uncle Gordon again after almost 40 years! They are lovely people and I warmed to them straight away. We took them to the hospital to see Dad - they all wanted to "get it over with" I think. I bottled it! I was scared of all the emotion that would be flying around so after I dropped them at the entrance door, I got the car parked (pretty much straight away) and then deliberately dawdled all the way to the ward so that I would not have to see the reunion.

It was a lovely, happy visit. Dad was animated and happy to see them.

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