Monday 26 March 2007

Monday 26th March

There is plenty of Shepherd's Pie left because my dad isn't eating it. He can't manage anything at all now other than baby-type food. So he stays on soup, custard and his 600 calorie drinks from the hospital. So mum and I are working our way through the Shepherd's Pie. It won't go to waste!!!

As of 5pm tonight I too officially became unemployed. After 29 years in the workplace! I don't know if I have already told you this but I decided to take a career break while I help care for Dad, so I abandoned my job search in February.

Interestingly, it seems as if the jobs with the two companies I was already talking to have fallen through anyway. I am a great believer in fate - it obviously wasn't meant to be.

When I am ready to look for a job I think I'll be a bit more open minded and maybe seek something a bit different... who knows. I don't know when that will be...For now, we're going to try to live off one wage, and avoid spending my redundancy pay off.

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