Saturday 24 March 2007

Saturday 24th March

We just ate a lovely chinese meal and now I feel so sleepy!

Going to sort my dad's evening stuff out in about an hour then I'll be headed off to bed. Roy is over with me tonight - and if all is well we'll go home tomorrow and then I'll drive back here on Monday morning.

My uncle and his wife are back in South Africa now. It was wonderful to have them here, but very hectic. Also, their grand-daughter turned up! She is backpacking in the UK (London) and when she heard they were here she jumped on a train up North! She was a lovely girl and it was nice to meet a second cousin I never even knew about.

Hers is a sad tale as her father (my cousin) was badly brain damaged in a car crash 16 years ago, when Evelyn was 4. So he is now full time in a nursing home and doesn't really know people too well when they visit.

Ah well, there I go again with my cheery tales!

Got my new mobile phone today. It's a Samsung. Starting to wish I'd stuck with Nokia - I know my way around their phones having used one for 10 years! Feels odd to be navigating round something different.......

Comment added in May:
Went to see Dad in hospital on the Friday afternoon - he still wasn't happy but it was looking good for his escaping Saturday morning so that was encouraging. They hadn't bothered to get him the Fortisip Neutral drinks he liked (every time we asked they'd been ordered and would be "here in a minute"). Also they didn't put the stoma bag on properly with a ring seal thingy that stopped it leaking so much. What a horrible ward.

Got home just before 5 and Dad's proper hospital bed (an electrically adjustable one) arrived. We had a bit of bother with it at first cos it wouldn't move at all.... and then we panicked as he was due home Saturday morning and it was now just after 5pm and nobody was answering the phone at the Supplier's office. So we left a message with the District Nurse to say "help"!!

A few minutes later, Lorraine and I had the idea of unplugging all the various connector cables and re-connecting them. Seemed to do the trick.... I got onto the bed and had a play, and everything seemed to work fine. It's a fabulous bed.... I just wish the circumstances were different.

Drove home later tonight. Nurses called me en route, but I was able to tell them that the problem was solved! We'd left a voicemail for them to that effect, but they must have only picked up the first message.

So now we need more new bedding! Single sized this time.

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