Monday 2 April 2007

Monday 2nd April

Morning all... I've had a strange morning. My Windows XP crashed and the Sony helpdesk told me I had to recover my laptop back to factory settings and start all over again. I wasn't too happy... I have all my data/photos etc on an external hard drive, but the thought of starting all over again was just.... ugh....Soooo, I gave it a while and pressed all the options Windows was giving me to try to load. It failed about a dozen times and then bingo! Right on my last attempt it worked.

I was also switching ISP today - I had been using my Company broadband and router but I ordered British Telecom's new "Home Hub" system and today was the day it went live. That was a doddle... plugged in, waited an hour, popped a Disc in and pressed "Next" several times And here I am - all up and running again. Phew!

Just about to pop to the bank and then I'll head over to mums. Dad had a steady weekend.

No other news really... we watched Deja Vu on DVD last night but I got bored and ended up doing "to do" lists. Then about 20 minutes before the end the DVD stuck and we couldn't get it working. Cue unhappy Roy! My sister lent me the DVD and she did mention that it was a pirate copy

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