Saturday 28 April 2007

Saturday 28th April

I'm having a rather nice weekend... this morning I went into Leeds. I haven't been anywhere near proper shops in such a long time! I must say I got bored quite quickly... I guess also knowing that I have no monthly pay to replace any spending I did was holding me back. Not like me - I must be getting sensible.

Anyway, I did buy a nice summer top which was inexpensive. The sun was shining so I got a coffee and sandwich and sat on a bench listening to a great busker for about half an hour.

Sometimes the music in the City Centre is really good - and this guy was very popular... he was getting applause and even seemed to have a few groupies hanging around him.

After that I visited Roy's parents and now I'm back home and will be getting ready to go out to dinner soon.

From Pancreatic Cancer UK Forum:
Just a quick post to say "thanks" to Leslie for the recommendation of Final Gifts. I read this book last week, and it has really helped me a lot. At this (relatively) early stage in my dad's illness, I had been quite afraid of what was ahead.

This book has really taken some of that fear away, and prepared me better for what lies ahead. I know that not everybody will die "by the book", but there are some excellent case studies in there which have reassured me that dad can have a peaceful end to his life. It is also starting to help me think more positively about the whole experience, and ultimately my own mortality.

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