Saturday 7 April 2007

Saturday 7th April

To be honest I am starting to wonder what the purpose of the Macmillan Nurse is. I think I am being harsh - I believe that they get more involved in the later stages. So far, Helen has visited twice and she just asks my dad if he's got any concerns at all.

The District Nurse seems to get lumbered with organising all the other care/equipment etc.

My dad is doing ok. I'm going to be really blunt here and I hope it doesn't bother anybody. After his diagnosis, I think my dad was under the impression that he'd come home from hospital and then pass away very quickly. He had a little phase over the last fortnight where he wasn't very happy because he realised that wasn't looking likely to happen. (Whilst he's very ill, I feel he is a little way off the "end" just at the moment.) And so, the last 3 days, he seems to have realised that he still has a wee while longer on this earth and has actually picked up a bit. He's asking to see people now (he banned all visitors except family and one close friend 2 weeks ago) and is trying to eat a bit more. I know he struggles with food, but it is nice to see him try some more things.

I just wanted to give you a feel for where things were at currently. I guess we have a number of phases to go through.I know it is a tough existence for Dad to be bed bound and he is struggling with that. But the Nurse has ordered him a new device for getting out of bed (the first one wasn't suitable) and I have promised him that if he is comfy, I'll try to get him out of bed and in his wheelchair for a short trip outside of the house. He seemed up for that.... I hope this new kit arrives quickly.

The pressure sores are quite a nuisance... we are now trying Manuka Honey ointment, which I asked his Nurse about a few days ago... I'd reading something on line about it. The Nurse said he'd had some success with it, and had some ointment in his office to try. Why he didn't try it sooner is a mystery to me.

The weather is absolutely glorious here. We had a lovely walk yesterday, round Scar House reservoir. It's a nice walk and mainly flat, which suits me fine. It's about 4 miles from where we had our wedding reception... I just love that part of the Dales.

Then we came home and went for dinner in a pub about 15 minutes drive from here, which has been totally refurbished. It was lovely and very good value - three courses plus a good bottle of wine for £15 each!

Just getting ready to drive over to mums. Am calling in to see Roy's parents first.

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