Monday 9 April 2007

Monday 9th April

The nurses are using this Manuka Honey cream, which seems to be helping. Dad is still on good form, even had some sausage, egg and beans this morning! (Mind you if you could see the amount of food he eats, it's pitiful - but I am just glad he is enjoying a little taste of some things).

I'm back home now... getting sick of seeing the Pennines and the M62, LOL! I'll go back over tomorrow lunchtime.

I think I made my dad's meal sound like a full english breakfast, when in fact it was one spoonful of beans, the yolk from a poached egg and half a sausage (skinned and chopped up small). Also today he's had 2 of his high calorie drinks, four spoonfuls of custard and about 100mls of soup.

When I think of how he used to eat, it's scary. Mind you, the high cal drinks are 610 cals each so he's probably getting about 1500 cals per day.... and given that he is inactive he won't be burning any through activity. He doesn't seem to have lost more weight in the last week or so. I guess that's all good.

Dad not eating or enjoying food used to bother me a lot. It used to upset me, to see this big fine man who LOVED good food just totally not interested. I felt that it was a cruel blow. However, in time, priorities change and now that doesn't bother me at all.... my main concern is for his comfort on a day to day basis. Funny that.

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