Sunday 8 April 2007

Sunday 8th April

You're absolutely right about prevention being better than cure for bedsores - but unfortunately the hospital let things go beyond that point and we are dealing with the consequences. The good news is that the sores are less sore at the moment.

Dad does have a special mattress but it's not the "blister" type... it's like a memory foam. Has so far prevented any new sores forming. He got a special air mattress in hospital but couldn't sleep on it - said it was like lying on a cattle grid, LOL!

Well, I'm at mums now and heading to my B&B soon. The lady I stay with is away so Roy and I are going to watch the golf (Masters) on her HUGE plasma screen telly.

My dad is settled and watching a western movie on tv. Just had a lovely lamb dinner. Dad had a tiny portion too (I am talking a saucer-sized plate) and really enjoyed it. And we've been for another walk today! I took a walk down memory lane to an old quarry (Pex Hill) that we used to play in when I was a kid. Very nostalgic. So all is good with the world.

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