Sunday 15 April 2007

Sunday 15th April

Roy had a marvellous idea yesterday (at about 12 noon). "Let's have a Grand National Barbecue later on" he says. "Oh great" I said. "Will you have time to shop for the food, prep it all and set the garden up?". All of a sudden the BBQ didn't seem like such a good idea and he decided we should stick with Plan A (going for a curry).

Much as I'd have loved to have people round for BBQ (the weather is superb here just now) I couldn't be bothered cleaning the house etc etc etc. I know you should seize the moment and all that, but.....

Today we were up early (before 8) and went for a nice walk to our local Stately Home gardens at 9.30. Then we did the food shop (which is incredibly easy when we shop just for Roy!) and came home to read the papers in the Conservatory. Then we popped to Costco for a (costly) mooch.

Now I'm back and thinking about what time to do dinner. Am being lazy and heating up a shop bought quiche to have with salad.

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