Wednesday 25 April 2007

Wednesday 25th April

Things are fine here. My dad is very upbeat this week. He has moved on to a low dose morphine drug now to make him more comfy (I don't know if it's that which is making him so happy!!???).

He doesn't have much pain (occasional ache in his low back or stomach) but his pressure sores are still bothering him (stinging and hurting) so the Doc suggested trying the morphine. It seems to be working a treat and he is also sleeping much better at night.

We're having a lovely week with him actually - lots of laughter and nice chats.

And the good news is that the District Nurse says his sores are actually starting to heal (I recommend Manuka Honey ointment for this) and they are coming tomorrow to remove the dead skin and put some kind of seaweed dressing on.

So, each week is different and this week so far has been a good one.

No idea what I'll do in the Conservatory when it gets hot (the electrican forgot to put the wiring in for a ceiling fan ). I have a small blow heater with a cool air option on it, so maybe I'll try that. In the meantime, on warm sunny days it makes a fabulous drying room for the laundry (albeit an expensive one).

From Pancreatic Cancer UK Forum:
We've dealt with the practical stuff, and we do the day to day stuff no problem - but why is the personal stuff so hard!? Like you, I start to get upset just at the thought of it, and yet I am going about day to day business without getting emotional.

I got the book that Leslie recommended today - I'm going to start reading it later. If I find any handy hints I will post them up. I think I said a few personal things to my dad in passing - i.e. when that kind of opportunity comes up in conversation, but I always end up filling up so tend to keep it brief. I don't mind if dad and I get upset - I think at times it is good to cry together, but I know there are still one or two things unsaid that I can't quite get round to. It's daft really because he's so bright at the moment it would be a perfect time. I'm going to make an effort to say at least one of them this week before I head home for the weekend.

And another one:
Wonder if it was the Fortisip drink making my dad loose, then? If your mum had a similar reaction.... mind you he was on them for a few weeks with no problem. I guess it's all part of what the disease can do to people.

I was a bit sneaky today - I asked Dad if he wanted to try some bread and butter pudding, and he said he would. So I made it with part milk/part Fortisip as I am a bit worried that his calorie intake has dropped by 1200 per day since he stopped taking them. Then I made him a cup of hot choc and used some fortisip in that... it tasted nice actually, not that I personally need the extra cals!

He's having fresh mushroom soup later so I'll sneak the last of a bottle into it. Naughty, I know, but at least he'll be getting some nutrients and calories from it, and if his bowels do go loose again then I'll have a word with his GP when she visits tomorrow. Dad only has the Fortisip Neutral so you can put it in pretty much anything where you would use milk or cream.

Yet another:
We were asked about what to do if my dad took a turn for the worst (this was a few weeks ago when he was taken back into hospital for a few days with some problems). The Consultant actually asked my dad... "if your heart stops, do you want us to put the paddles on you". My dad was a bit groggy at the time (his BP had dropped really low) but said very clear "DNR" (Do Not Resucitate). I had guessed that is what he would say, but didn't want to speak on his behalf when we were asked.

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