Monday 23 April 2007

Monday 23rd April

Morning and Happy St Georges Day.
Ah yes my niece is being marvellous over my dad - but she's still a little brat in most other respects. :-)

From Pancreatic Cancer UK Forum:
Leslie, thanks for posting that. I've just read your sister's biog - it's a beautifully written piece. I ordered the Final Gifts book from Amazon last week, as I saw it recommended elsewhere. I am hoping it will arrive tomorrow or the day after. I'm glad you found it useful. I know it won't have all the answers for us but I thought it was worth

And another one:
My dad has taken himself off the oramorph (he was only on low dose anyway) as he says it isn't working. We're going to phone Helen and ask to talk through his pain and pain relief in more detail as we aren't really sure what the root cause it (pressure sores or the disease) and he also has a nasty, persistent cough which is troubling him. I am wondering if the cancer has spread into his lungs but he's had this cough since he was in hospital (from early February) and I know they did some chest x-rays there. He's had several courses of antibiotic so if it is infection, nothing is shifting it. We need to try to get him comfortable as he's getting quite distressed and more fed up with it all.

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