Wednesday 18 April 2007

Wednesday 18th April

From PCUK Forum (addressed to Barb from Canada, in the UK caring for her mom):
I'm lucky in that I am sleeping well, and my dad is currently not at the stage where he needs to be attended 24 hours a day. I'm glad your husband can come over... it will be good support for you. It must be tough being so far away from your husband and children. I live 70 miles away from my parents, I am in Leeds and they're in Widnes.

However, the timing of this has been appropriate as I recently took redundancy from my job and have decided not to look for anything else just yet. Since early February, I've been staying near my parents during the week, and then going home most weekends (if all is well).

We don't have kids and my husband has been wonderful about this. Like you, I have a sister (who lives very close to mum and dad) but she has two young kids and so we are both trying to work as a team with mum. That seems to be working out well. I also have a brother but he has 3 young kiddies and his wife's father is ill, so she spends a lot of time caring for him. So we tend not to ask him to do too much in terms of caring.

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