Saturday 14 April 2007

Saturday 14th April

Well I'm home. It is a beautiful day here and I'm heading out to the shop soon, and then to Roy's parents house to watch the Grand National.

Posted on Pancreatic Cancer UK (PCUK) Forum:
Hello.. I'm new to this forum. My dad was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer on 8th March and he came home on 13th March. He hasn't been offered any treatment (and doesn't want any). He is 68. When we saw the story about Gareth Hunt in the papers, we decided not to give him the newspaper that day. He is bed bound and isn't mobile - so relies on us to take his paper in to him. We made up some story about throwing the paper out by accident.

My sister did tell him that Gareth Hunt had died, and when he asked how, said it was the same as he had. The problem was, my dad wants to die quickly (he has this "thing" about the cancer not dragging on) and we didn't want him to see the bit about a "2 year battle" as we felt that might make him very anxious that his illness would go on for years.

So, AFC, I guess we were holding the story back for different reasons.... but I do understand your point. Thing is, every case is so different.... as I am finding the more I read into Pancreatic cancer. We have no idea how long dad has, (the Registrar who told us his diagnosis said that because the cancer had spread it would be "months") and the weird thing is that my dad has no pain at all. Which makes me wonder if the cancer is as advanced as the hospital made out?

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