Monday 30 April 2007

Monday 30th April

Had a nice day yesterday - drove over to a little town in the Pennines called Hebden Bridge. It's got a medieval pack horse bridge and lots of shops. We finally got two huge wooden giraffes to go with the menagerie (horses, fish, storks) in the conservatory.

Back to mum's later this morning, I have a dental appointment first. Oh and then some guy is coming to see me about prices to recover our two sofas... I've had them about 13 years but they're still in pretty good shape except that the covers are now stained beyond the point where cleaning them does the job. So I thought I'd investigate the cost of re-covering the fabric rather than buy new sofas. This isn't something I am planning to have done soon, but Roy is talking about redecorating the living room for Christmas so if we're changing our colour scheme then, might as well sort the sofas out at the same time.

Just spent a lovely afternoon watching a Barry Manilow at the Vegas Hilton DVD with my Dad. I love Barry Manilow and I have to say I was impressed at how strong his voice still is. I'd love to go to see that show live.

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