Tuesday 10 April 2007

Tuesday 10th April

My sister's friend had twins at the weekend... they're gorgeous (have seen online video). Identical twins - James and Daniel.

Back to Mum's at lunchtime. Dad is not in good humour today apparently, and neither is my mum. She said it "all got to her" last night. So now my sis and I are feeling guilty for leaving her on her own yesterday afternoon and evening.

I have been faffing around with my laptop since 8.30... installing various stuff that came with my new BT Broadband. It all seems to be working ok for now... fingers crossed

Comment added in May:
I can't remember exactly when this happened, but shortly after we'd given up on getting Dad out of bed using the hoist (it just hurt him too much because of his pressure sores) the Nurses decided that he'd be better staying in bed and going to the toilet on pads. Then, three times a day the Carers and Nurses sort him out (clean him up etc). In the event of accidents in between times, then my sister or I can do it.
One day, he'd had an accident and wanted cleaning up. He asked my mum to do it! Well, what you have to realise is, that despite having had 3 kids, mum is totally rubbish with poo. She could never even change the nappy of any child other than her own. So was absolutely horrified when Dad asked her to clean him up. She was delaying things - "oh the girls will be here to do it soon" - and he was shouting at her "Come on Teresa, in sickness and in health, remember?".
Comical. And yet not! I wish I'd been a fly on the wall though.......

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