Sunday 10 June 2007

Another weekend is over

Thursday night/Friday morning: Got to bed at 2am after having a chat to Dad about how we could get in touch with some of his old gym buddies... they'll think he's not there because of the hip operation he was due to have in March, and he wants them to know what is really wrong. He's given me directions to the house of one of them, and I'll call in and have a chat.

Later on Friday morning Dad was up at about 5-ish, for his usual early morning bout of sickness. He settled back down quickly and slept through his 6.30am alarm. I got up for the last time at 8am to help mum with the tablet routine. I wanted to be up and out early to pop to Marks & Spencer for some food before picking Auntie Stella up for her visit. Also had to clean the fan that is in Dad's room as it had gathered so much dust!
So, Stella came and had lunch and then just before I took her home Lorraine and I went to look at over-bed tables for Dad in Prescot. We ended up ordering one online as it was about £30 cheaper. I hope Dad likes it... hopefully it will arrive next week.
Dropped Stella off at about 3.30pm and then headed home. By the time I got in, Roy had set up the table in the garden as it was lovely and warm, so we ate al fresco. First time this year, I think. I had been lazy and just got salad and stuff from M&S so it was all nice and easy. And quick! I had been looking forward to a nice cold glass of white wine.
After that, just lay on the sofa watching TV - I was too tired to do much else! Also had left my suitcase at mums (accidentally) so couldn't sort my washing out.
Saturday morning we popped to Crossgates to the bank and then got back to mums for about 1. It is very hot and Dad's urine is looking really dark - not sure if it's the heat?

At about 4, Roy and I took Emily to Crosby to see the iron men - Anthony Gormley's "Another Place" art installation. It's quite impressive! I couldn't believe that people were actually paddling and swimming in the sea at Crosby - it's filthy! With brown scum on the tide. I also learned today that Liverpudlian guys still call each other "lad" - I've been away so long, the accent sounds really strong and sometimes quite alien to me now.
We walked for ages along the beach and then had to practically sprint back along the prom as we'd promised mum we'd be back (complete with chinese takeaway) by 6.30-ish. As it turned out we got back at just after 7. Not too bad! After eating, we decided that Emily would stay at Mum's rather than come back to Maureen's with Roy and I. So I set her bed up, did Dad's arms and then Roy and I left at 11-ish.

I was a bit miffed with the carers on Saturday evening. They told Dad that they couldn't do his elbows or foot anymore as they aren't allowed to do bandages. It's hardly bandaging - all we do is wrap some soft cotton round the parts of him that are getting sore rubbing on bed clothes. I think I was more annoyed that they didn't tell us too. Ah well - as I said to Dad, he'll probably find that some of them will do it - it's just the real jobsworths who won't. I know they have rules to follow, but these aren't bandages over wounds. (Yet.)
Sunday morning we got back to Mums at 9 and she wasn't looking very happy at all. I thought she was just a bit low - she said she felt a bit upset, but nothing in particular had happened to cause it. So after Emily got up I decided to take her out for an hour. We'd had a chat last night about some bullying she's experiencing at school and I wanted another conversation with her just to get some more info and start her thinking about ideas on how she could tackle it (I need to talk all of this over with Lorraine).
As I left mum's, Colin and Dot - good friends of my parents - had just arrived. When I popped back half an hour later, Len and Angie (mum's cousin and his daughter) were there, too. And then Lisa (Neil's partner) and their three children arrived. I could see mum's face - the flat was jam packed with people and she didn't look at all well... at this point I thought it was tiredness and the heat affecting her. So I quickly dragged all the kids out and we went to Sherdley Park for an hour. I haven't been there for years! It hasn't changed. It's a great park for kids as there is a little animal section as well as the usual swings and stuff.

The kids were all great fun.... they all buzz off each other and they love to see Emily. I must make an effort to take all four of them out in the summer holidays. After they'd run off some steam in the play area, we got ice creams and walked round the animals. They all loved it... there is a very strange assortment of animals there - wallabies, peacocks, pigs, sheep!
It was funny hearing them in the car - Bethany was saying that Grandad (my dad) used to always take them out but he can't now that he's poorly. Emily was agreeing with her and saying "Oh but he's in good spirits though, isn't he?". It's so funny to hear them repeating what they pick up from adults. Emily had been chatting yesterday about all the places her Grandad has taken her to - she has a fantastic memory - and she said he was always "dead interesting" as he took her round places he grew up, etc, and always took the long way home from places if they went visiting relatives, to make it more fun.
Jack told me in the park that next time, Roy could bring them on his own. And then after that, Grandad could. How do you tell a 9 year old that his Great Big Grandad won't be doing that again?

We all piled back in the car, hot and tired, and headed back to mums. By 2.30pm everybody had gone - I think mum was glad to see the back of us all! Roy and I were home by 4pm, after a quick trip to Sainsburys for food (more salad stuff!). When I spoke to mum later on, she said her throat is really sore and her glands are up - so Lorraine is going to stay late tonight until Dad is settled to let mum get a good sleep.
And there it is - another weekend over. And a new week begins tomorrow. Who knows what it will hold.

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