Saturday 2 June 2007

The weekend - after a week "off sick".

My face is still swollen and sore, but the pain is now more of a twinge.

I'm banned from going over to mums. She and Dad have told me they want me to stay here and get properly well. So, I think I will follow orders. To be honest, if I'd woken yesterday totally well and pain free I'd have gone over there, but I still felt a wee bit off colour. We're not going out this weekend, either, so will have a quiet time in with Roy.
Mum says that they are ok... but Dad is starting to throw up in the evening now, too. Mum had an appointment at the hospital with a skin specialist about her foot - he basically said she was seeing the wrong guy and he couldn't help her. What a waste of time - she'd waited ages there, too.

I was checking through the contents of the freezer and thinking up meals I can make out of them! I'm pretty much still on soft food, so I guess rump steak is out of the question! I found some frozen mango, though - so made a nice smoothie with that.

I found out yesterday that I can't drink alcohol with the antibiotics I'm taking. Boo hiss.. just fancied a small glass of red wine with dinner. Ah well, the worse that can come of this week is that I lose a few pounds....

I am also supposed to be studying! I've got a financial services exam to do (not a biggie - total of 20 hours study). Although the longer I am away from work, the less I want to

a) ever work again

b) work in financial services

I was interviewed late last year and again in January by a firm in Preston who promised me a job offer and then appointed somebody else. They were a bit shabby about how they did it.

I think I mentioned that I met the girl a few weeks ago at the Mortgage Expo I attended.

Anyhoo... my old work mate met her last week at a conference. He's so fiercely loyal! This is what he said in an email to me today:

Met that XX last week in XX - god knows why they picked her. She is so dippy and was dressed like she was going to a wedding.She said that she saw you talking to various people in Manchester but didn't introduce her self as she had taken your job and beaten you in the race !!!!!

I took an instant dislike and told her that you weren't able to take the role even if offered due to personal family commitments. And that you wouldn't need to work for a very long time due to huge compensation from XX. And that her company couldn't afford you anyway. AND you needed a more expansive strategic role rather than an operational one !!!!!!

Then she asked (deleted next bit as it relates to some commercial deal the two companies are trying to do, which isn't going well).She went of in a huff and said Xx (her boss) wont be happy !!!!!! lol We were burstingwith laughter. She's horrid.

I know this is catty but it made me giggle today! Hmmm, I bet she's also using the draft business plan that I presented to her MD too.

Like I said, not much on the agenda this weekend. I'll keep taking the tablets!
They're giving out tickets for the Opera in The Park event today - but I don't feel like going into Leeds for them. I'll take a chance that there will still be some left next week. Bit annoying really, as my SIL2B is in town every Saturday morning. When I asked her if she was going today, and could she pick up any tickets (I used to do about 4 separate trips as they only allow 4 tickets per person, per time) she just said "not for long" and that she'd see if her friend could get any. Grrr. Help me out, why don't you! Every flipping year I organise this and on the one year I'm not around to nip in and out of Leeds for them I get no help from anybody else. So I'm going on strike. Rant over.

A quiet Sunday. Had a walk in Roundhay Park earlier - round the lake - and then came home to do some cooking and just mooch about. Have felt pretty low all weekend - a consequence of sitting about at home for a week, I think. My brain feels scrambled.... I need to get back to Mum's which at the moment is my "normality".

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