Thursday 31 May 2007

So much to catch up on - the last week!

Where to start?
This is my first blog for over a week... I was trying to keep regular blogs but sometimes the days just run past and I've forgotten! So, I'm being lazy and collating all of last week into one post.


Well the latest drama in the life of my family is that my niece has been taken to A&E in the last half hour with suspected appendicitis! She's been complaining of tummy pains for a while and to be honest it got a little bit like the boy who cried wolf... anyhoo she was up all night and my sis took her to the docs this morning and he recommended taking her straight to hospital. So we will have to wait and see...Of course, this means that my sister's chances of going to the Elton John concert are looking remote now.
My mum's back and vein are ok at the moment. But her left arm, shoulder and hand have flared up (arthritis) so once again this week she has limited mobility. The joys of arthritis. Her hand and arm are red and swollen.

My niece was kept in hospital over night, we're still not sure what the problem is but they're not convinced of appendicitis as the pain is on both sides and higher up in her tummy. They are doing an x-ray this morning I think and possibly a scan to check her ovaries. However, I've had a text from my sister to say she's coming home - apparently they gave her something to clear her bowels out and she did (and was then sick). So I am wondering if she's had some kind of blockage? Bit tricky as I am mainly communicating by text and can't get details!! I was going to pop along and visit but she texted me to say don't, she'll phone when they get home.
Sooooo.... of course, that meant that my sis and her hubby couldn't go to the Elton John concert last night. I ended up going with my nephew, Joe who is 18. The concert was good - Elton basically just sits at his piano and sings/plays for over 2 hours. No messing about and no interval.

So we got home at about 1am (concert was about 2 hours from here) and then I was up at 5 with Dad (long story, but he sets his alarm for 5am now, details will be on the blog). Then I had to call out the District Nurse as Dad had some probs with his catheter, so got back to bed at 6am and zonked until nearly 9!

One thing I am NOT good at coping with is lack of sleep. I need to get better at that! Any less than 8 hours and I'm rubbish.

Hopefully I'll be heading home later to welcome Roy back from Scotland.... he seems to have enjoyed himself.

Update: My niece is back home. Faecal impaction was finally diagnosed after she confessed to the doc that she hadn't been going to the loo properly. Anyway she's fine and on medication to clear her system out. She still has a little bit of tummy pain but now they know the cause there is no panic.........

We've come over to see Mum and Dad today. Roy and I are staying the night at Maureens.

Dad is ok. Very chatty. Wants company all the time lately, which is nice. He commandeered Roy all afternoon to watch golf with him.

Mum isn't so good again - tired, shaky and tummy a bit off. Maybe a bug? I am fearful that all this is getting to her a bit. We'll see. At least I'm here most of the time to keep an eye on her.

Here's the bad news folks - I have toothache. Is there anything more misery-making in the world?? (Can't you tell I've never given birth?!). I'm back home now, and popping painkillers whilst catching up on tv progs I recorded. My sister in law rang me last night about 20 minutes before the end of Lost! Who on earth phones people at 11.30pm? By the time I got rid of her (shame on me she's lovely but I think she'd had wine with and after dinner and she was yapping on) then I had missed the end! Just caught up on it now.

Roy found my dad to be on very good form, but noticed how much weight he's lost since he last saw him. Because we see him every day, it isn't so dramatic. Dad was asking me today did his face look really thin. I offered him a mirror (he really doesn't look awful at the moment) but he declined and pointed to a photo of himself on holiday in California. "I'd rather remember my face like that". Brown and with some weight on it. I did tell him he looked lovely now - and that he looked younger. He told me off - he said he never had many wrinkles anyway Can't win, can you!! I like that he's still a little bit vain, though. I trim his eyebrows and ear/nose hair and stuff for him, and my sister does his nails.

Dad has started to be sick again on waking - that funny brown stuff. But he says he doesn't mind because it doesn't make him feel awful, like it used to when he was sick. This, he says, feels more like a clearing out than some kind of awful retching sickness. He likes to get this out of the way early, before pill taking and breakfast.

Oh my mouth hurts so badly. The strongest painkillers I had won't even shift it. Dentist will see me at 11.15am. I hope he can sort it out.
Dentist says I have an infection in my root canal which is covered by a crown. So he's put me on two types of high dose antibiotic. Unfortunately I just can't shift the pain - now is the first time I've felt vaguely human all day (after having a hot bath).

I am still in horrendous pain with the tooth.. that's 48 hours solid now. Just spoke to my GP who has prescribed me some anti-inflammatories (diclofenac) to take alongside the codeine based pain killers I've been using (which weren't really doing anything). I need to get this sorted and get back over to help my mum. Just waiting for Roy to pick my prescription up - he's off work today, his stoopid boss seems to have decided to extend his bank holiday until tomorrow.

Update - Roy's boss has decided to make it a week off. I'm fuming - that's nearly 2 weeks Roy has been off now and we need his income coming in really.

I am finally getting some relief from the toothache! My face is swollen and I have a lump on my gum so hopefully this is a sign that the infection is working its way out. What a horrible two days... I was so miserable, I just slept and grunted at Roy in between sleeps!!
I felt very sick yesterday but I was probably toxic due to all the painkillers I'd taken. Mum is insisting I stay home all week but I'll see how I am tomorrow and maybe pop over then. Today I still have pain but at least the tablets are working on it now.

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