Thursday 3 May 2007

I think I'm making a bit of a mess of this....

.... but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it one day.

I've decided to start this blog - inspired by my cyber friend Sharon from Sicily - because my once steady, (relatively) uneventful life has changed recently and I want to record it. Now all I need to do is figure out how to tell my "back story". Bear with me, I'm new at this.

From January to early May, I found I had been recording what was happening to me through internet Forums, and email. I have spent several days cutting and pasting what I wrote into this blog. Eventually it will all be tidy and edited into chronological order.

I wanted to try to document what has been happening and how I am adjusting to some big changes in my life.

In a nutshell - this time last year, I was a high earning, highly influential (in her sector), mega stressed Head of Sales with a major UK Financial Services company. Today, I'm an unemployed carer signing on for £59 a week. What a turnaround.

Oh - the main two forums I post on (and where I get tremendous support from my cyber friends) are:
Prevention (a US based Health Forum where I've been posting for almost 4 years)
Pancreatic Cancer UK (PCUK - found this recently and it's very helpful)

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