Friday 4 May 2007

Friday 5th May - going home for the weekend

It's Friday - always a good day for me as I get to see my husband after 4 nights away. I do look forward to that.

Dad was pretty good today - he's doubled up on his Zomorph tablets, but didn't seem groggy or any worse for it. He was sick after taking some Solpadol (and after a hot choc drink) so we're now recording sicky episodes in his Pain Relief diary just to see if we can spot a pattern.

Gail (District Nurse) came today and apologised for having upset Dad a few weeks ago. They had a good chat, and seemed to really clear the air.

Dad was talking to Gail about his Reiki session with Sue, and how much he'd enjoyed it. We asked if he would like to have Sue back and he does, so will give her a ring. He also has asked to see George and "the lads" again, which is great.

I am convinced that Dad is determined to sort his own stuff out before he dies.... today he had Lorraine clearing out all the toiletries and smellies that he won't ever use again. He wanted them divvying up between the men of the family... well, apart from Neil who seems destined to inherit socks and comfortable shoes in the wrong size.

I took the "Memories Box" down out of the wardrobe today and hope that Mum and Dad get chance to go through it over the weekend. Which reminds me - Dad asked me why mum had changed her mind about coming out for lunch with us on Sunday. I said she felt bad about going out when he couldn't and he said "Well, she'll have to get used to that. I want her to get out and have a good time with her new wealthy toyboy after I'm gone." I just laughed. He told her the same thing himself, later.

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