Thursday 10 May 2007

More forward planning

Dad slept from midnight until 8.30am! He only coughed once - at about 5-ish but when I went in he seemed to have settled back down so I didn't bother him.

Sleeping on the floor turned out to be not such a great idea for me - I think my bones and joints are just too old for that sort of thing now!

Walked up to the Post Office this morning to get the papers and pensions and post some letters. Since starting my blog I have been walking about, camera in bag, ready to snap interesting things. Haven't taken a single picture yet! Oh - apart from some yobs messing about in the Bin Store to the flats last night, but I only got the backs of their heads.

Spent a good hour or more today getting blood out of the carpets from mum's latest vein-popping episode. I'm quite pleased at how well they've cleaned up. Maybe I should have taken before and after pictures, LOL.

So, here's the forward planning I've been doing. This afternoon, when I nipped out to get some prescriptions, I had a look at the McCarthy & Stone development in Farnworth. It's really nice and I had a chat to the sales lady. Apparently there are some 1 bedroomed apartments still available. I took some details and was trying to figure out how to raise the subject with mum - wasn't sure how she'd react.
In my opinion these apartments would be perfect for her as
a) there is a 24 hour care line where you can get assistance if you need it
b) there is pretty much every type of shop etc. she would need on a day to day basis within a 50 yard walk (Post Office, Chemist, Co-Op, Bakers etc)
c) there are communal rooms where people are around if you feel like some company

The sales lady also told me that the Complex Manager is an ex-District Nurse and that her husband is the Head District Nurse.... turns out it's Brian, who looks after Dad! So when I got home, I was telling mum and dad about it. Then mum and I had a chat and she would be very keen to investigate more about it. So we'll look into it properly. Timing is going to be the major issue, I think.

Dad is ok. Nothing new to report really.

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