Sunday 20 May 2007

It's the weekend again!

Saturday I cleaned my house! First time in a long while it's had a really good clean from me (Roy has been doing it in my absence!). Evening we tried the new Italian in Halton (Piccolo) and it was rubbish! Packet sauce and frozen pizza base. Yuk!

Sunday morning we took a walk down to Temple Newsam to check out the rhododendrum walk. Was very pretty. Also went into the bluebell woods but the bluebells are dying off now.

Lovely purple, white and pink rhodedendrum cover the pathways and are scattered around in the woods at Temple Newsam House. Last year they did some serious pruning back of the bushes so the display didn't seem quite as spectacular as it has done. Still very beautiful though.

We were also in Matalan on Sunday because Roy is off on a golfing trip to Scotland this week (Mon-Fri) with his brother and 13 other guys. We found out last night that he needed to wear polo shirts at the golf club and also needed some more suitable trousers. So we got him a load of stuff at Matalan (1 pair long trousers, 2 pairs smart short, 3 tops and a baseball hat) all for about £60! I'm so glad he's getting a break, I know that me being away all week was starting to get him down but he won't ever moan about it. And he wouldn't change anything. It is how it is and we will manage fine, but I think the time away will be good for him.

Later on Roy cheerfully announced that he won't miss me next week! Because he'll be on his hols! Good.

So, next Thursday we had tickets for an Elton John concert (my Xmas present to Roy) but seeing that he's now away, I have donated them to my sister and her husband and told them to stay overnight at our house (the concert is nearer to here than her place). It will do her good - she hasn't had a break since Dad was ill, and her hubby is off work next week so I thought it would be nice for them to have some time together.

At least when I come home at weekends I am totally away from things and can relax a bit. My sister lives 2 minutes drive from mum's house and so keeps "popping back" all the time (evenings, weekends). So I am conscious that she could also do with some time out.

In June we're going to London to see the Sound of Music at the Palladium Theatre. I am going with my sister and my niece (my Christmas/B'day present for my niece). Can't wait!

Poor mum gets no respite from home - in fact, she hardly even goes out now because of her foot.
I was investigating gym prices - there is a gym near mum which is very reasonable, only £26 a month for an off peak membership. So I'm thinking I should get down there and sign up - there is only a small joining fee (£25) so when I am back home, I won't have lost anything. My local gym near home was good enough to suspend my membership and fees while Dad is ill.

(Yes - you guessed it, I'm feeling fat!!!)

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