Thursday 3 May 2007

Thursday 3rd May

My dad was delighted with the football results - he's a Liverpool fan! Liverpool got through to the UEFA Cup Final on Tuesday night and last night's match was to decide the other finalists. So we wanted it to be Milan - not Man U. Traditionally there is a massive dislike between Liverpool and Manchester United fans. I also think it's a good thing that Man U didn't qualify as having both sets of fans in Athens may not have been a good idea. Unfortunately there are always idiots who cause trouble.

Things are ok. Dad is stable, seeming a tiny bit weaker at the moment but his mood is good. He was in "organising" mode again yesterday - wanting me to call and cancel some things (his gym membership and his free pensioner travel pass). It breaks my heart to have those conversations with him, but I click into practical mode very quickly and just get on with it. I also know that it will make things a lot easier for mum "afterwards" - and this is why Dad is doing it.

I'm feeling a bit touchy this week, for some reason. I think I need to have a good blub and get it out of my system when I'm home tomorrow night I'm also spending time on some other Forums and websites (cancer related) and some of the stories are so sad. Maybe I should give them a miss while I'm like this, but I do like to have information and those forums are a great way of getting it.

Did I ever mention a book that was recommended to me? It's called Final Gifts and it really has been helpful. For me, it has taken away a lot of the fear of what lies ahead.

My dad's step-sister is coming to visit him today - which he's looking forward to. He asked to see her on her own (normally she comes with his step-dad). I don't think he has anything particularly important to say to her, but he did specifically ask for her to come on her own.

LOL, my dad's doctor has just been to see him (she's lovely, calls in twice a week to check up on him). Dad was asking her if she had plans for the Bank Holiday weekend. "I think I'll be doing housework" she said."Housework?!" says Dad, "With the money you doctors get I'd have thought you'd have a cleaner". She just burst out laughing. Dad then explained that he'd read in the newspapers recently about how much Doctors earn. "Ah, well you shouldn't believe what you read then", she said. It was funny - luckily she's a very, very friendly doctor. My dad is getting cheekier by the minute!!

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