Friday 18 May 2007

Big Day Out

I was out at a work-y type thing yesterday! There was a Mortgage Expo in Manchester and so I decided to show my face and do a bit of networking (or schmoozing, more like!!). I don't want people to think I've disappeared completely - so that when I am ready to go back to the work place, I can pick the phone up to some of them and see what they know.

My old team at Pru had an exhibition stand at the event and so I hung out with them for a while. It was weird at one point - they'd all disappeared and the last remaining guy asked me if I'd "mind the stand" while he went to collect something, LOL! I was praying nobody would visit us and ask me anything!! So I saw everybody who I wanted to see, which was good.
The picture on the right shows David and Mark on the Pru Stand, checking messages on their Blackberries. Do I miss my Blackberry buzzing every 2 minutes? Like hell I do.

I also met the girl who got the job with the firm at Preston who I was talking to earlier in the year... don't know if you remember that but they virtually promised me a job and then took somebody else on. I told my sister - "she was old, fat and had long scraggy blonde hair". My sister's reply - "A bit like you, then". I had to admit I'd walked right into that one. (See what I have to put up with all day )

A few people told me to let them know when I'm looking for work again, so that was good. Felt a bit weird being back in my suit and at a work related event. I sat in on one of the seminars in the morning and I was bored rigid! So I didn't go to any others.

My mum is ok. Her back is a lot better but she is still very, very nervous about her foot.
She continues to be the most rubbish patient! But I'm working on her, LOL....

Dad isn't feeling so clever today - he's sweaty and shaky. There is a cold going round so I'm wondering if he's caught that, or if it's just part and parcel of his condition. Doctor came yesterday but Dad was fine then. We've given him some paracetemol and will keep an eye on him. Luckily a District Nurse comes every day so we can ask him/her for advice if necessary. One of them is a bit vague when we ask anything - but the other two are pretty switched on. I hope it is one of the better ones who turns up later.

District Nurse says that Dad might have a water infection. She couldn't test his water as she didn't have the testing sticks, but they're going to do it tomorrow.
This evening the Carers noticed that his puncture site from the Clexane injection had been bleeding. After a few phone calls (District Nurse, Dr Tseung) we applied pressure and it more or less stopped (just a few little drops afterwards). Hoping it doesn't worsen in the night, but will keep checking on it.
At midnight I had the bright idea that if Dad took a Stemetil (anti nausea and vomiting drug) then it might stop him being sick on waking (as he has been for the last week). Not my best idea ever, when he took the tablet he was sick. A lot. Poor Dad. He said that he wonders what his body is trying to tell him - the vomiting, bowel movements and bleeding. He got a bit fed up and said "I know I shouldn't talk like this, but I just wish I could go to sleep one night and not wake up next day." I understand that. I think.

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