Wednesday 9 May 2007


Woke at 5.50am (surprised to find it was light!) and Dad called me to cover him up as it had got a bit chilly. Then he coughed for a while. Mum got up to see if he was ok, and we all had a quick chat (he was telling Mum about my Poop Patrol last night - for some reason everybody seems amazed at me doing that!) and went back to bed.

Next thing I knew it was almost 8.30am! Got up, sorted Dad's meds and breakfast out and jumped in the shower before the Carers arrived at 9.30am. Dad really enjoyed his porridge this morning - it's incredible how you can feel so uplifted after taking him a meal that he likes. Funny how our priorities and the things that we consider a "victory" change as our circumstances alter.

Dad was still keen to discuss his funeral plans and wanted me to reassure him that Mum and Lorraine had been informed and were happy with things. He wants us to have a celebration of his life, not a dismal affair. He said there is nothing to be sad about - he's nothing to regret, and nor have we as a family. That's very true.

This morning, the three of us spent some lovely time with Dad reminiscing about family stuff - holidays, days out, funny stories and arguments! Dad had forgotten about the time he didn't speak to me for about 6 weeks (my fault!) and said that he knew he'd made some mistakes in life, and that being stubborn was one of his faults.

Popped out to do some shopping and stuff after lunch and picked Emily up from school on the way back. She'd hurt her foot and it was bandaged up. When we got her home and checked it, it looked infected, so Lorraine decided to take her to the Doctors. We got an emergency appointment with Dr Rathbone (who must feel as if she is now part of our family, she see so much of us these days).

So another trip to the Chemists for prescriptions, and then home.

Feeling a bit drained tonight - all the funeral discussion has been great, in terms of understanding what Dad wants and making sure he knows he'll get it, but mentally quite hard work. It's been especially difficult watching mum deal with it.

Staying at mums again tonight. For variety, tonight I'll be trying out sleeping on the floor instead of the recliner chair, LOL.

Still haven't cleaned the blood out of the carpet since mum's accident yesterday.

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