Tuesday 8 May 2007

Learning new life skills #24!

I think I have commented before on how I'm learning new life skills along the way as I care for Dad.

Tonight I am proud to report that I did my first ever solo Poop Patrol. The squeamish should stop reading now.

My sister Lorraine normally deals with the "business end" of clearing up if Dad has loose bowels. She says she's had two kids and is therefore better equipped for it than I am.

Tonight, cos I'm staying, Dad called me in about 11.15 to ask if I was capable of doing it. Course I am, I said. So off we went. It takes me about 10 minutes to prepare everything (I am keen to have several bowls of water and 20 plastic bags around me in case of clumsiness!).

So there you go - another certificate due to me for Caring Skills ;-)

While I was sorting things out, Dad took another opportunity to discuss his funeral plans. He asked me to confirm that what he's suggested is along the lines of what mum wants. I said yes, and he said he thought he'd discussed it with Mum in the hospital (I don't recall this, though).

I said that the only thing mum wanted to discuss with him was about possible burial of his ashes at Yew Tree Cemetery (where her family grave is). That reminded him that he'd forgotten to tell me his "Ashes Plan". What he wants is for us to take in flowers to Nan and Grandad's grave one day, and while we're there "scatter my ashes with Tom and Lil". I explained that we were going to ask for permission to inter his ashes there (he's not Catholic and it's a Catholic cemetery). Oh that's ok he said - but only if they allow it, and only if they don't charge a fortune for doing it - otherwise just sneak me in. I had to laugh.

He asked if Lorraine would be happy with the funeral proposals so far. I said yes. I told him we'd make it nice for him. Nice and simple he said. Yes, and meaningful, I added.

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