Saturday 23 June 2007

Leaping Mice

I've been out, come back and sorted some washing, googled some stuff I wanted to look into (funeral directors, end of life signs, hereditary pancreatic cancer - not nice stuff) coloured my hair, had a nice long soak in the bath (which I don't often do) and am now nicely re-settled at the laptop! Is it normal to have a favourites folder called "Cancer"? Well I do. It's full of all the stuff I've researched and I will delete it one day.

We went out to eat quite early - 6.15pm at the Beehive, the 3 courses for £10 pub that we found a while ago. It was a great meal. Just Roy and I this weekend. No kids, no brother-in-law! I think we needed it after the last couple of hectic weekends.

Did I mention that Roy thinks there is a mouse in our loft? He said last night he still thinks it is running around, so I refused to sleep upstairs. Instead we used our guest bedroom - which actually was quite fun because it has a tv in it (I won't put one in our bedroom) and I watched tv in bed for the first time in years! Is it physically possible for a mouse to get upstairs in a house (without having come in through the front door and up the staircase!!). Fred, our neighbour, says he can't imagine that a mouse could do that, but Roy insists he has heard it gnawing. He says it will have come in thru the garage, climbed up the shelves and got into the loft space that way! Must be a really good jumper that's all I can say, cos there's at least 2 feet between shelf and garage ceiling!

Dad's friend Colin called today. He was really upset, because as he was leaving, Dad gripped his hand and said "Know what Col? I'm falling apart rapidly." As Colin went out, he gave Dad a thumbs up, and Dad said "You're a good lad". I think they both know it may be the last visit.

Mum has just called to say that Dad has asked her to sit with him all night. He asked her if he was going to pass over tonight. She said she didn't know and asked if he thought he might.... he said he didn't know, he might have days yet. She asked if he wanted me over, and he said no, there might be nights left yet. Neil has gone over to sort her recliner chair out near to Dad's bed so that she can be comfortable and hopefully get some sleep. Mum says she isn't afraid to be alone with Dad tonight... they've had a good chat today, she said.

I've had too much wine to drive just yet (and unfortunately when we came in from our meal Roy had a few glasses too) so I've said to mum to call me later if she needs to me to go over. I guess if Dad wants us all there when he does pass, he'll wait for us. Oh, I don't know what to think really. I can't believe that this is the only Saturday in ages that I've actually had a drink and can't drive.

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