Tuesday 19 June 2007

Father's Day

So, Sunday 17th June is Father's Day. Our last one with Dad. When I said to him on Friday that I was coming over for Father's Day, he just pulled a face. Don't think he really wanted a fuss. And he didn't get one really - we all visited and brought nice cards and gifts, but that was all.

Normally we'd try to do something like go out for lunch with both sets of parents, but this year obviously that wasn't possible. And I remember we didn't do it last year either, as I recall it was just a week or so before our trip to Canada and I didn't really have time for it (work was manic and I probably just didn't want the hassle). Makes you think, doesn't it. Do things when you can, because you don't know when you won't be able to do them...........

We left home at about 11 with Emily and Fran, and dropped them back home. Stopped for a quick chat with Lorraine and the family - and to show some photos. Then round to mums.

Mum was very, very touchy today - in fact she has been for a few weeks. But today she was weepy and really down. I'd felt like crying for part of the weekend myself - so I felt a bit like I could do without it. I know that sounds mean, but it is how I felt. I didn't show that, of course.

Dad was quite quiet really. He was trying to figure out what was going on in the cricket and Roy had to explain to him a few times that the game had been rained off on Friday. He kept asking about it. He'd had another funny turn (we seem to have named his dreams or visions as "funny turns" now) on Saturday, when he was convinced that he'd been to a mechanics in Warrington and two brothers had crashed a car up a tree.

We had one of our little victories on Sunday - we found a way of popping a rolled up towel under Dad's pillow so his right side stopped slumping sideways. We like it when we discover new things - although I did comment to Dad that it took us a long time to come up with that one!

Roy was surprised at the red marks (bruises) all over Dad's hands. His skin kind of splits sometimes and they bleed. There was a broken one on his arm today. The fleshy part between his thumb and index finger disappeared weeks ago and there is just a hollow there now - it's quite strange to see. His feet are starting to puff up a bit, too. Today I noticed that his face is getting tiny lines in it - he never really had wrinkles like that before. He is eating very little and even starting to drink less water.

We left at 3.30-ish and drove back home. Pizza and wine for dinner, and a lovely lie on the sofa watching tv! I left Roy to watch golf later on, while I sorted some other stuff out. I am still feeling tired from the rest of the weekend!! I'm such a wimp!

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